Put the life up. Stop crying, stop being confused, stop asking.
I woke up on nice Sunday at 09.45. I found that I miss everything. I saw my sister and Reni were cooking in the kitchen. I got my phone and then I saw that I was too late for going to church with my friend. We have a schedule for visiting a particular church once a years and I have let it go away. Life sucks. I played game, got breakfast. I was being busy by making some handicraft of flanel. Then my friends Uli phoned me. We talked for a long long time. We talked about our current job, settlement, and also the relationship. Uli love someone and she asked my advice. What the hell of advice I can give? The one man I love has never call me anymore, never speak to me again. So, just the time goes by. The noon come. And I was a stingy girl. Life sucks.
My friend came. Bang Joe. We wasted the time by played monopoly. Actually, it is a good game, we laughed and starting to forget the time.
Then everybody left. Bang Joe left. Reni went with her boyfriend. Anas go to Church with her friend. And I am alone. I remember when I was at dormitory, they always let me to go to church together. Then now I am a home alone.
Six months ago, I always waiting for the Sunday. I wake up early and go to church with my friends. After that I was busy with the home work. Then on evening, He came. I can't be angry for him even though he was late. Because I know it is to far for him to come to my place. We got dinner and then talked and laughed. Among many friends, he is rarely to speak, but between us, he is the only who speak. I just listen and smile for every jokes he give. It was nice. I miss him. Even though I know he is not the same anymore. He is not the person I know six months ago. He is the stranger now.
I am stuck in here. Listening some music and busy by game. Yeah, I am alone. And I don't know when I will be fixed. I am tired of my friend's judgement. He say that I am a weak person. He doesn't know me well. How come he said that to me.
Fix me.